Join Todd Zonna for a comprehensive Pennsylvania Hunter Safety Course scheduled for April 19th. This course, aimed at educating hunters on safe practices and regulations, will be led by Todd himself, ensuring participants receive expert instruction. Whether you’re a novice or experienced hunter, this course promises to enhance your understanding of hunting safety and ethics. Don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen your skills and knowledge in the field.
The person being registered must be at least 11 Years old HOW TO REGISTER
PGC.PA.GOV Go To Education in the dropdown list and click on Hunter-Trapper Education There scroll down to Basic Hunter-Trapper Education CLICK ON IT There again scroll down to Basic Hunter-Trapper Education CLICK ON IT Go To COURSE OPTIONS CLICK ON Basic Hunter-Trapper Education in Person CoursesSearch By ZIP CODE 16415 within 10 miles. Find the course at the CLUB on the September 28th CLICK ON VIEW EVENT in the upper right of the page CLICK on the green tab (REGESTER NOW} NOTE YOU MUST READ CHAPTERS 1, 4, 5 & 9 IN {TODAYS HUNTER-TRAPPER IN PA) BEFORE ATTENDING THE CLASS.
Go TOThe link is provided at the bottom of the one registration page. Or go back to the PGC.PA.GOV page and find it there.
For more information please contact Todd via email at [email protected].