Rifle Ranges
• Read and follow ALL range rules as posted
• Range is open from 8:00 am until sunset from Monday through Saturday and from 9:00 am until sunset on Sundays. Check sunset times before using the ranges.
• Individuals using the range are responsible for keeping the area clean and free of debris. All participants shall remove any litter or targets from the backboards prior to leaving the range.
• Shooting is permitted on designated ranges only (exception-pellet rifles permitted at designated targets in wooded areas)
• All targets shall be taped or stapled to the provided backstops. No targets are to be placed on cross-members.
• All weapons must be unloaded with actions open and placed on a bench while others are down range.
• Firing of any weapon is to be from the firing line or from the designated benches only. Stand at the firing line at all times while shooting. Absolutely no firing of weapons is permitted down range.
• First person to arrive at a range is designated as the range officer and is responsible for the safe operation of the range. Upon his/her departure, a second person is designated. Personnel on the range shall follow the direction of the range officer.
• Absolutely NO alcohol or drugs are permitted on the range. Anyone who violates this is subject to immediate forfeiture of his/her membership.
• Short range (7, 15, and 25 yard) is for handgun and rim-fire rifles only
• Medium Range (25 and 50 yard) ranges are designated for rifle and long range pistols and muzzleloaders
• 100-yard range is for rifle, long range pistol and muzzleloaders only
• Rifled and non-rifled slugs are permitted on the 50 and 100 yard ranges. No buckshot is permitted